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How An Oxygen Facial Can Elevate Your Skin Health

Looking for a bright, even complexion? Want to get rid of dull, lackluster skin, but don’t want to pay the price of using a medical spa? If so, a little bit of oxygen may be the perfect solution. While oxygen facials do not get the same type of hype that regular facials get, they provide a wide array of benefits that deserve to be discussed.

What are the main properties of an oxygen facial?

Within the realm of benefits, an oxygen facial boasts a similar repertoire to its sister treatment, hyperbaric oxygen therapy. With anti-inflammatory benefits, ample hydration, as well as anti-aging, detoxifying, and brightening properties, an oxygen facial gives you all the results!

Honestly, we love a good oxygen facial, and here’s why:

Oxidation lightens and brightens your skin

During an oxygen facial at illume, a controlled amount of oxygen is applied on your skin to deliver the best results. Oxidation of the surface of your skin is part of these wonderful benefits. This oxidation has a “bleaching” effect, and lightens and brightens your complexion. This facial has been proven to assist in reducing the appearance of telangiectasia, also known as broken capillaries. Your skin will simply glow!

Reduces and eliminates excess toxins

The skin around your face holds bacteria, dirt, and debris that the body has been trying to protect against. During an oxygen facial, these impurities are cleansed and eliminated from the surface of your skin. Because of this, our oxygen facial can help those struggling with rosacea and acne!

Accelerates skin cell turnover to leave your skin glowing

With the introduction of added oxygen to the skin, your skin cells are encouraged to turn over at a faster rate. This increased turnover leaves your skin looking bright and healthy. Combine the benefits of natural skin cell turnover with the added benefits of exfoliation during your treatment and your skin is sure to look bright and brand new!

What benefits can you look forward to from consistent oxygen facials?

Like any type of treatment or skincare service, the most impactful results are saved after a few routine facials. If you’re interested in the benefits of getting an oxygen facial, here are our most notable long-term side effects.

Eradicating all types of lingering bacteria and keeping acne at bay

Did you know that oxygen facials kill bacteria and reduce inflammation without the need for light therapy? Bad bacteria is one of the main causes of acne. Keeping outbreaks at bay may be as simple as participating in a few oxygen facials in order to reduce the likelihood of acne on the skin.

Of course, the root cause of your acne heavily impacts the effectiveness of oxygen facials and your current outbreak, but if you suspect bacteria and inflammation are contributing to your troubled skin, talk to your esthetician about how an oxygen facial may help. Acne has a myriad of sources, but with the help of your esthetician, clear, healthy skin isn’t far off!

Do oxygen facials help with fine lines and wrinkles?

We mentioned collagen production briefly earlier in the article. Since collagen is directly responsible for the structure of the skin – acting as building blocks that support the skin – when they are replenished, small imperfections can be corrected.

Individuals with fine lines or wrinkles can see improvement over time due to the production of collagen if routine treatments are completed.

Can oxygen facials help eliminate dry, patchy skin?

As oxygen is infused into the skin, circulation improves. Once the new, nutrient rich blood reaches the area of concern, moisture and a wide array of vitamins and minerals are deposited to help replenish the skin. In addition, typical treatments and serums are applied to the skin during the facial, adding an extra level of hydration. Oxygen allows these ingredients to reach deeper, maximizing benefits and results.

For extreme cases, or recurring issues, speak with your esthetician about what options are available to you, as well as what products can help rejuvenate your skin. A great facial does wonders, but only with a dedicated skincare routine can you address skin concerns for good.

Schedule your first oxygen facial with illume and change the trajectory of your skin health

Illume is Chicago’s premier spot for your skincare needs. Whether you need a brow makeover, lash lift, or a personalized facial treatment, we have exactly what it takes to bring out your best look and elevate your confidence. The world deserves to see you shine bright!

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